I would have rather shared my palette with this guy than suffered through the last 2/3's of my journey. Shortly after boarding my second (and longest mind you) flight, I abruptly came down with a face cold. Like the snorking uncontrollably, wiping your nose every 10 seconds kind. Like where you run out of tissues so fast you say "screw it" and use the back of your hand in front of everybody kind. For 11 UNBELIEVABLE HOURS.
Ever had your nasal passages sandblasted? With angry scarab beetles? That's how I felt after about 20 minutes.
Scarab Beetle (for reference)
So to make a long story short, it was horrible. Couldn't sleep, wasn't hungry, had a headache... ugh. I made it to Hong Kong and was temporarily relieved by a Starbucks in the airport. I hopped my final flight into China and then made the 3 hour bus ride to Yangshuo, flopping onto my sofa and promptly falling asleep. All's well that ends well they say.
Another Scarab Beetle (for stupidity's sake)
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