Kind of.
I got sick that night with food poisoning. Barfed my guts out a bunch of times throughout the night. That's bad enough by itself, but it really sucks when you're staying in a concrete block of a room 8,000 miles from anything you
But back to the Barbecue. We went to a market in the morning that had all sorts of awesome things in it (like every vegetable and animal possible. Including Dog :) ) and picked up what we needed. We then proceeded to walk for 40 min out of town down little Chinese back roads with little Chinese homes lived in by little Chinese people to a "secret beach" that everyone knows about, where were set up for our barbecue.
Chinese barbecue doesn't involve a grill by-the-way. It's more like... ummmmm... sticking once-living-things on a stick and then charring them in a flame. Chinese barbecue, it's what's for dinner.
You'll notice in the picture below that I am holding a stone. My favorite stone.
What was actually happening was that everything we ate was washed in the river (remember the
Happily walk down to the water with some delicious vegetables, bend down to wash, and *KER-SPLOSH*!! I got 4 people that way.
The result of my tomfoolery was me wading into the water thigh deep to retrieve my sandals (which had been innocently thrown in) while 4 gleeful Chinese girls threw in huge stone all around me. Good times.
We headed back later in the day and then all hung out at Sunny's since her husband was in town and had another big meal which couldn't be beat. And I barfed all night :)
Have a barf on me .... I mean a burger! lol. stay safe/ keep having fun/ and don't drink the water!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove you, Aunt Linda
Joe, sorry you were sick! I'm sure it was miserable, especially being so far away. Glad you are feeling better now! I am really enjoying reading your blog! Minus the barfing though......
ReplyDeleteYou are going to come back married are'nt you Joe :)
ReplyDeleteWe miss your dearly and look forward to your return sometime in the future and maybe with a wife :)
BTW, your father loves you ;)
Dude, since you are barfing all over little china people...go back to the market and try every type of veg. and every type of animal (including DOG). since you are already sick it wont matter what makes you barf!!! DO IT.
ReplyDeletei heard you are staying longer.... SWEETNESS!! keep on, keepin on!
i was also looking at the pictures and noticed that for a "beach" the sand is alot larger than what we have here in O.C.. ( i would hate to get some of that Chinese sand in my bathing suit... OUCH)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it. You dropping rocks, getting people wet. Actually I can believe. Sounds like your having a great time. Have fun spewing. Talk to u later.
ReplyDeleteJiang Si Fuo ooh ha ha!
Yeah puking out your guts all night long is never fun. I can't imagine what it was like without the comforts of home.