Guilin in it's TRUE beauty

Guilin was so-so. I took a 40 min bus ride from the airport to the middle of the city, where I was promptly left. It was about 9:00 PM, and I had no idea where my hotel was. And neither did the cabbies for that matter. As soon as I stepped of the bus (I was the only one off in this area) I was surrounded by 10 random people who started crowding in much too close for comfort. I then had to take out my laptop in front of them all to show them the Chinese for the hotel I was staying at.
I was thinking I was going to have to start fighting to keep my stuff from being stolen, until I saw one one of them point to my big duffle and mumble "military" in poor English. At that point they ALL looked at me in the face and I made REALLY good eye contact with all of them.
And I got a cab to my hotel :)
Surfin through posts and saw your picture of Guilin. Just beautiful. Hope you soaked it all in!